Zo0O0om Lectures

Click here to add in your lecture :-)

Click Here to join Zoom link :~)

TOPIC GUIDELINES: Your topic can be ANYTHING. The expertise level can range from ""elementary school presentation"" to ""MASTER"". If you change your topic, let me know before your official prez or change it on here, so that the ""promo"" for the livestream is accurate. Zoom has a screen-share option. Presenters are encouraged to have some kind of visual material."

TIME: For now, there are two slots per day. You can schedule your lecture anytime between 12:00pm-8:00pm.

HOW TO JOIN A LECTURE: **NEW** I will be hosting the lectures on my Zoom ID, 299-672-3219. You can access the stream at the scheduled time by entering the ID code. Streams will be recorded. If you miss it, you can DM me (jorts666, lol) to watch.

Slides from past presentations are available by clicking this link.





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